Keeping miners hydrated with SA’s PREPD

CORE Innovation Hub Adelaide has partnered with local SA innovator PREPD to supply a potentially game-changing dehydration solution to mining companies, improving the health and wellbeing of ground miners across Australia.

Dehydration and heat exhaustion are huge health risks on mining sites, resulting in on average 144 fatalities each year and costing the global mining industry $4Billion per annum.

Dehydration in underground mine workers is very common with some studies suggesting that more than half of underground miners display clinical dehydration at the end of a shift.

Fluid loss through sweat for miners has been estimated at approximately 0.46L/hour. However, this can climb to over 1.5L/hour in very hot environments. This can equate to 5 to 12 litres of fluid lost over a 12-hour shift.

To compound the loss of fluids, workers are not consuming sufficient fluid to match that lost throughout their shift, exacerbating the risk of dehydration. Excessive sweating is also associated with large losses of sodium, an electrolyte essential for maintaining fluid balance, and normal muscle and brain function.

It is suggested that both fluid and sodium need to be replaced continuously throughout the shift to maintain performance and avoid dehydration-associated fatigue and potential heat exhaustion.

But, how do hard-working miners get access to essential electrolytes and fluids quickly and easily?

Following research conducted out of Flinders and Yale Universities, South Australian hydration specialist, PREPD has developed a unique product providing a superior hydration solution than current market alternatives.

Developed initially to create a better oral rehydration solution (ORS) to treat severe dehydration in developing countries, and then testing in the elite sporting world to aid player rehydration in an effort to improve performance, reduce fatigue and aid recovery, CEO Andrew Perry sees the importance of introducing this innovative technology to the mining industry.

By enhancing total water absorption in the body by tapping into the largely unused potential in the large intestine, PREPD makes it possible to absorb up to an additional 5L of fluid per day.

Using a unique resistant starch, PREPD is able to enhance hydration and improve health outcomes by 39% compared with the World Health Organisations’ recommended rehydration solutions”, said Andrew

“We also know from science and research that being just 3% dehydrated can slow reaction time to the same extent as being over the legal blood alcohol limit and being just 5% dehydrated can reduce productivity by up to 50%”.

We understand the importance of the mining industry to Australia and we know some of the unique challenges workers face, working underground in often hot and very remote areas. Our goal is to provide a real solution to help prevent dehydration and heat exhaustion incidence across mine sites, and help mining companies invest in the health and wellbeing of their people”, continued Andrew.

“We have recently begun to supply PREPD products to one of Australia’s largest mining companies and their workers are really noticing the difference.  I would like to thank CORE Innovation Hub Adelaide for their support during 2022 to provide us with essential tooling to secure this ongoing contract to supply.  We are excited to be working with CORE, and look forward to seeing where our partnership will take us in 2023.”

If you would like to know more about how CORE Innovation Hub can support your business in the energy and resources sector, please reach out to Renee Hakendorf.


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