Co-working to drive human connection

Recently marketing great, Seth Godin published a blog about the phenomena of ‘intentional connection’ in the digital office.

In the post, Seth discussed the hesitation of moving to a remote workforce for fear of losing serendipitous personal connection. The sort of connection that comes from sitting at the same lunch table, standing at the printer together or making a cup of tea at the same time. The so-called watercooler conversations.

Seth suggests that in the digital or remote office, connection with colleagues requires effort and enrolment on both parties behalves. Which, ultimately offers business many advantages including:

  • The opportunity to collaborate with the right people, rather than those who happen to be there

  • The ability to screen share, transcribe and take notes instantly, leading to faster action

  • And, the ability to deliberately take 5 minutes to have conversations not related to work.

Seth highlights that previous office interactions were not so much better, they were just effortless.

Co-Working for Collaboration & Connection

The same premise could be said for co-working spaces. When you have a team of 50, 60, even 200 people, there is rarely a need to go outside your organisation, there is rarely a need to search for the best answer or solution to a question or problem.

People within the same organisation often hold similar beliefs about the company and the product or service. When questions arise, company members can focus more on the internal response rather than a customer-centric response or solution.

Co-working environments that see various teams working across the similar industries within a single space can provide a counter this phenomena. The opportunity to deliberately and easily seek out different opinions, view points and leverage different backgrounds and vaired expertise is 10 fold.

By taking advantage of the co-working ecosystem organisations are more likely through collaboration find better solutions, develop better products and achieve better outcomes using this idea of ‘intentional connection’.

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