CORE & Spacecubed Host Next Generation of Entrepreneurs with UWA’s Future Leaders Immersion Program

The Future Leaders Immersion Program – an initiative created by the University of Western Australia (UWA), was designed to help WA international students transfer their learning experiences into improved employability and strengthen the value proposition of the State as an attractive education destination for future leaders. The project was funded through StudyPerth’s grant scheme, ‘Innovation Fund’.

50 students from across UWA, Curtin University, North Metropolitan TAFE and The University of Notre Dame Australia – from different cultural and disciplinary backgrounds undertook a range of immersion activities, workshops and knowledge sharing sessions as well as a 3-day retreat in the South-West region and the Perth CBD.

 As part of this initiative, the students visited FLUX (Spacecubed) and CORE Innovation Hub, on November 29 – for an interactive, immersive and knowledge sharing experience with four businesses based out of the Spacecubed and CORE Communities – RadixGeo, Rig Technologies, Snackr, and Ready Team One. The program provided a highly engaging and extremely practical opportunity to gain first-hand exposure to multiple start-ups across a range of industries and to gain insights from the experiences and pathways of founders of businesses.

The group started the morning with a tour of our co-working spaces of both FLUX and CORE with the students also getting the opportunity to spend some time in our spaces and get an insight into what working in a co-working space involves. Tamryn Barker, Co-Founder of CORE was also present during the day. The students were able to ask her questions and to get some personal advice on various start-ups, the journey of a start-up and the innovator community in WA.

In the afternoon Renu Kannu, CORE’s Business Engagement Lead hosted a panel featuring the founders of the four companies, discussing the journey of an innovator and founder, the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and various paths to get started.

The group explored and discussed questions such as:

  • Academic and career pathways that led them to their jobs and how they have grown professionally - was it a linear or non-linear path? 

  • Classes, programs or work experience that they took during their time at university that was beneficial

  • Advice for a student preparing to graduate and transition to the workforce

  • The importance of being authentic and an all-rounded student

There was also time for questions at the end of the panel, and the students were extremely engaged and asked some excellent questions of our panellists.

The day was a great way to connect with the next generation of entrepreneurs and hopefully inspire the next group of Australian innovators.
— Renu Kannu, CORE Innovation Hub

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