Funding Opportunity: CRC-P Round 13 Now Open

Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-Ps) are a federally funded grants program that provides industry-led collaborations with short term (up to three years) matched funding of up to $3 million to develop innovative technologies, products, and services.

Matched funding of between $100,000 and $3 million for up to 3 years are available for project that involve industry-led research collaboration.

This grant supports short-term (up to 3 years), industry-led collaborations across mutiple industries. You can read more about past projects that have been funded here.

Funding can cover costs directly related to your project including:

  • new research

  • proof of concept activities

  • pre-commercialisation of research outcomes

  • industry-focused education and training activities

  • conferences, workshops, symposia related to the joint research

  • information sharing and communications related to the research

Projects need to meet the following criteria:

  • develop a product, service or process that will solve problems for industry and deliver real outcomes

  • benefit small to medium enterprises (SMEs)

  • include education and training activities

Businesses must have an Australian business number (ABN) and be incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation to apply.

Businesses must demonstrate trading activities that are either enough to be called a trading corporation or are a major, not minor, part of your overall activity.

Each business will need to collaborate with a Project Partner and will need to make sure at least 2 Australian industry organisations, including at least 1 SME and 1 Australian research organisation are listed on the application.

CRC-P funding can provide companies with a great opportunity to grow their business and work alongside leading researchers to better commercialise products and services.

If you would like to know more there is a free upcoming webinar with Cooperative Research Australia or you can head to the Business Australia website to find out more.


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