CORE Community News & Events

What’s On - Events, WORKSHOPS, PROGRAMS and the latest news from CORE & the broader ecosystem

At CORE we believe strongly that a part of creating a thriving ecosystem is by supporting like-minded businesses and their events and initiatives. There is so much activity in the energy & resources space at the moment, we are excited to bring you a regular wrap of what’s happening across the ecosystem.

Mark your diaries

  • Community Coffee, Wednesday 25 August, 10am, Core Innovation Hub, Perth

    Back in its fortnightly installments, join us for a coffee and catch up in the CORE Innovation Hub Kitchen. A great opportunity to connect with other members. And, with guests welcome, it is a fantastic opportunity to see what CORE is all about and become more connected to Australia’s largest energy and resources ecosystem. RSVP here.

  • End of Month Drinks, Thursday 26 August, 4:00pm - 6pm, CORE Innovation Hub Perth

    Join us for another exciting fireside chat with another installment of End of Month Drinks. Rolling straight on from our exciting Meet the Innovator site tour, this will be another great way to connect with members and guests across the ecosystem. RSVP here.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Female Founders Lunch with Murdoch University, Spacecubed & Behind the Brands Thursday 26 August, 12noon - 2pm
    As women, we face unique challenges in both business and as a female founder or aspiring one. Join foundation partner Sapcecubed as they host a frank and open panel discussion with a trailblazing panel sharing their stories about getting started, their journey to date and the challenges they have faced along the way. The conversation will be led by panel moderator, Behind the Brands Founder, Megan Del Borrello. RSVP here.

  • NASA International Space Apps Challenge, Saturday & Sunday, October 2 - 3, Virtual
    The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is once again being hosted by CORE Innovation Hub and Space Apps Perth. Registrations are now open for teams wanting to take part in the challenge via the Space Apps website, and more information about the virtual Perth event can be found here.


  • Copper to the World Conference, August 31, Adelaide Exhibition Centre and Online
    Hosted by the South Australian Department of Energy and Mining, Copper to the World is designed to highlight South Australia’s global leadership when it comes to innovation and sustainability. This annual conference provides access to new insights and updates from leading voices in the Australian and global copper industry and markets. It attracts participants from across the sector, including explorers and miners, mineral refiners, global investors and traders, and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Renee Hakendorf will be part of a panel discussion exploring innovation and technology in mining, highlighting the Hot 30 Awards. The conference will be hosted in Adelaide and online. RSVP here.


  • Women In Digital National Awards
    The Women in Digital Awards was created from the idea that 'you can't be what you can't see' and is a celebration of incredible women within the digital industries and the businesses that support them. The night is dedicated to incredible women, companies, disruptors and advocates within the Digital and IT industries. From Founder of the Year to Technical Leader of the Year, we are providing a platform for women who are dedicated to their craft, their business, and helping lift others up in the industry. Nominations are now open and can be submitted here.

  • South Australian Premiers Award in Energy & Mining
    This year, the Awards celebrate 10 years of innovation, recognising and showcasing the achievements of the South Australian Energy and Mining sectors. They are an opportunity to bring the industry together to illustrate innovative approaches and technologies, employment and business opportunities and the positive economic, social and environmental contribution the industry makes to South Australia. 15 of South Australia’s biggest and brightest in the Resources, Energy, and Engineering Technology and Services sectors will be presented with an Award. Nominations are open until September 10, get your nominations in here.




Introducing Natalie Carter: Regional Business Lead


Women In Digital National Awards - Nominations Now Open!