Carlie Byrne on Digital transformation; the People-Centred Approach. Tech Talk Tuesdays Guest Speaker Announcement.

Each month CORE Innovation Hub hosts Tech Talk Tuesdays - an intimate members-only lunch connecting innovators & entrepreneurs with business & industry leaders where we take a deep dive into some of the technologies and innovations shaping the future of energy & mining.

Ahead of this month’s talk, we sat down with Carlie Byrne, Principal Geophysicist at Rio Tinto to discuss why innovation is so important to both her role and to the future of energy and mining.

Take 5 with Tech Talk Guest Speaker Carlie Byrne.

CORE: What does your role entail within Rio Tinto and what will your key focus be in the coming months?

Carlie: I will be leading the Orebody Knowledge program as part of the RTIO End to Dnd Digital Transformation Process. Our key focus will be on delivering the vision of providing orebody knowledge where it is needed and when it is needed.


CORE: What are 2-3 industry challenges you are facing/coming across?

Carlie: Our immediate challenge, as it is for so many, is around resourcing – both the human resources and technology resources. The move towards a greener future is exciting but will also pose challenges to the mining industry.


CORE: What are your thoughts around the pace of technological change in the resources sector?

Carlie: Often the larger players are less agile (i.e. have more inertia) than some of the smaller companies in the sector; but, I feel there are factors at play now (technology, ESG, future products) that make it the right time to make the leap towards digital and technical innovation to create a better energy and mining future.


CORE: What does innovation mean to you and your company?

Carlie: Rio Tinto has demonstrated its commitment by standing up Research and Development divisions across all commodities. Research and development has always occurred within Rio Tinto but it has been distributed throughout the business. By setting up dedicated divisions it means the research and development can be focussed on delivering projects that align with the company strategies.

Personally, I have always been passionate about innovation, and I am excited that our new Research, Development and Technology division is going to be a critical interface or first step in fostering company-wide innovation and creating a long-term vision and strategy for the company.

CORE: What are you most excited about covering in your upcoming session?

Carlie: Sharing my passion for Orebody knowledge and the opportunities that now exist through digital innovation.


Guest Speaker: Carlie Byrne, Principal Geophysicist, Rio Tinto

Carlie started her career in mineral exploration over 30 years ago and is now working for Rio Tinto Iron. Carlie's diverse career has been driven by her passion for excellence, education and innovation and has seen her move into the brand new Research, Development and Technology Division of Rio Tinto Iron Ore, leading the RTIO End to End Digital Transform - Orebody Knowledge program.


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