CORE Start: Meet the Participant - SafeAI

The global construction and mining industries have faced unprecedented challenges over the past year with COVID-19 shutdowns impacting worksites, and the restriction of movement creating labour shortages in many countries. SafeAI, head-quartered in Silicon Valley, is working on a solution which could improve productivity, solve labour shortages and save millions in costs. The company has established a base in Perth and is expanding its operations in a further investment in the Australian resources industry.


SafeAI retrofits heavy equipment for autonomous applications in the mining and construction industries with self-driving technology. SafeAI autonomous technology enables equipment owners to transform existing machines into self-operating robotic assets, whether it’s a skid steer, light vehicle or a 220-tonne haul truck. Moreover, an open and interoperable architecture allows an operator to own its own data, integrate that data with other systems, map its entire digital ecosystem and to be easily upgraded as technology improves. 

While autonomous equipment is not new to the mining industry, only a few of the big mining companies in Australia have the scale to use existing autonomous technology. SafeAI, which is an after-market solution, enables mining and construction companies of any size or fleet composition to take advantage of the technological advancements in AI, at a lower cost. 

The wholesale adoption of AI and autonomous vehicles can lead to substantial savings for company spending on equipment, maintenance, insurance and fuel consumption. Other benefits include cost reductions with increased autonomous vehicle running hours, shorter hauling cycle times, downtime can be eliminated, and wear and tear on equipment, including tyres.

The use of AI and autonomous equipment in mining also has significant safety benefits, with autonomous equipment including anti-collision intelligence, drivers removed from hazardous environments, and driver-related incidents avoided.

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SafeAI Business Development Vice President Brenton Welford said the principal value-driver of autonomy was increased productivity, with existing technology reportedly delivering up to 1000 additional hours yearly, per machine. “SafeAI improves on existing technology, while at the same time making autonomy more accessible to mid-tier miners and contractors.”

While its use means fewer people would be needed to drive trucks, people will supervise the technology remotely, creating a new stream of job opportunities and an upskilled workforce. “It’s about upskilling and training people for new roles such as autonomous vehicle and software specialists,” Mr Welford said. “There may be fewer people on-site, but there are more highly-trained people in a safer environment.”

As the benefits of autonomous vehicles increase in mining and construction, SafeAI is being noticed in international circles. The company recently signed a deal with Japanese-based construction firm Obayashi Corporation, aiming to create an autonomous construction site in San Francisco in the US. Goodyear Tire & Rubber have partnered with SafeAI to incorporate tyre intelligence into its offering. SafeAI has signed an agreement with Macnica, Inc. to bring its autonomous vehicle technology to Japan, where it has faced significant labour shortages in construction. 

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Globally-headquartered in Silicon Valley, Mr Welford said Western Australia was an ideal location to establish an Australian base, allowing it to connect with experienced personnel from the vast mining industry. 

“We’re a new business in Australia with international support, and we’re looking to hire the right people here and expand our operations,” Mr Welford said. “There is a wealth of knowledge in the industry at CORE, they know what’s going on in the mining world and what people are doing, they’re well-connected, and that has been very helpful to us.”

Core Start is a 3-month, Australia-wide residency program that aims to develop capabilities, build networks, and foster a thriving ecosystem of innovators in the mining, oil & gas, resources, energy, defense, and space sectors.

Applications are now open for Core Start 2021.


Member Profile: Rig Technologies