CORE Start Pitch Night - Tekuma takes home People’s Choice.

On the last Friday in May, CORE Innovation Hub held one the highlights in our event calendar, CORE Start Pitch Night! Pitch Night sees the latest round of CORE Start Graduates take part in a round robin style pitch event, with one company walking away with the People’s Choice Award, an audience voted award based on most likely to invest.

Following a 12 week entrepreneurial mentoring and advisory program, 4 founders each took to the stage (both phsycial and virtual), to give their 3 minute company pitch.

Conrad from Space Angel opened the night to pitch Project Skyfall - their High Altitude Pseudo Satelite with potential applications in defence, mining, agriculture, natural disaster manager and ports, to name a few.

Mark, co-founder of Systemiser the took to the stage to present their latest platform, a project management and modelling tool that utilises the Theory of Contrasints rather than the more traditional project planning theories.

Trash’d then joined us from Adelaide, where co-founder Vanessa pitched their Precious Metals Extraction process that uses a chemical solution to extracts precious metals at higher yields in shorter timeframes than conventional processes including metals such as gold, silver and palladium. 

Annette from Tekuma, also joined us from Adelaide to show us how it is changing the way humans interact with technology with their universal control orb that, unlike traditional dual-hand joysticks, is fully operational with just two fingers.

Following each pitch, the audience got the opportunity to ask each founder questions and there was some great interest shown in both the problems and solutions presented.

Our wonderful audience then voted on which company they would hypothetically invest in. It was quite a close call, but Annette from Tekuma took home the People’s Choice Award for CORE Start Round 1.

Applications for CORE Start Round 2 are now open. If you are a founder wanting to develop your start up, apply here.


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